Our company Voltage electronic fly killer and domestic manufacturing of adhesive tape holder and electric fly to anywhere in the world is sending wholesale.

  • Houses, summer houses, small, medium and large sized businesses mainly in the industrial environment models for different application areas are available.
  • Our Company producer(manufacturing)to high quality insect light traps
  • All products are sheet metal boxes


    Claimed the World's Most Reasonable Prices We Are Always ELEKTRO FROG.

    To get detailed information about products simply E-mail type,Our friends respond to you immediately

    Cetinkaya Makina ADRESS

    Ikitelli organized industrial zone  Dersan Koop. Industry. Site.  S/1 D. Block No:119-120 Ikitelli /Kucukcekmece/ISTANBUL/TURKEY

    Telefon: +90212 549 66 41

    Fax: +90212 549 05 50


    İNFORMATİON      : bilgi@cetinkayamak.com

    SALES                        : yusuf@cetinkayamak.com

    web                          : www.cetinkayamak.com

    Cetinkaya Makina İkitelli organize sanayi bölgesi  Dersan Koop.  San.  Sit.  S/1 D.Blok No:119-120 Küçükçekmece İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE
    Telefon: 212 549 66 41
    Fax      : 212 549 05 50

    E-mail      : bilgi@cetinkayamak.com